
Sunday, January 10, 2016

A break from quilting

Since October I've been quilting about 6 to 8 hours a day, keeping busy with one stage or another. That is, up until the New Year... I've  spent maybe 6 hrs total since the new year and today is the 10th! (Though I have to remind myself that I haven't been unproductive :). I mean, starting this blog is a big deal!)
One of the things I do to keep my hands busy is tatting. I've kept this little project in my bag so I can work on it in the car or when sitting at home watching shows in the evening with my Heartbeat. It's a simple 2 shuttle trim that doesn't really have a purpose right now except to keep my hands busy. 
The kids: "what's it for"
Me: "it's a trim"
kids: "but what are you going to do with it?"
Me: "i don't know yet"
Kids: "why don't you make something that you're going use?"
LOL, out of the mouths of babes!!
I will use this trim on something eventually. But what they said echoed in my head.
I googled "free simple shuttle tatting patterns". After looking at I found one that caught my interest. It's posted on a Polish page but tatting graphs are pretty much universal, yay :)!!   ~~edit: hmm, not the exact link.. the pattern i printed out is in Polish so I can't look up the correct link :( 

As soon as I got this started, I knew exactly to whom i was going to give it. It would make a perfect candle mat for a guild mate who gifted a beautiful tote bag to me for Christmas. 

In the next picture, the tatting is done and in the starching stage. But I about cried. I thought I was being smart, using a contrasting fabric underneath the starch soaked doily to make a good picture. Well, apparently the black wool hasn't ever been washed and now my beautiful white doily is no longer beautifully white. Thank goodness I only put one doily on it and the second doily is unscathed. 

moving on..
I am loving the finished product....
These were ready to take to the guild meeting yesterday to surprise my friend.... and I forgot them on the kitchen table :(. Well, I'll see her in two weeks and give them to her at that time :).
I'm still wanting to make at least one or two more. It's very addicting once the rhythm starts. But I'm also ready to get back into my sewing room too...
Thanks for having a look. Enjoy your day!

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