
Monday, April 15, 2019

Road trip.

Just a quick update.  I've been super busy over the last 4 or 5 weeks or so.   I had started a post about Mountain Quiltfest 2019.  All my pictures are loaded into a draft but I haven't been able to log in to write in the details.

My mom called me a couple times after the show. She wanted to get my reaction about my Whimsy Doodles quilt earning first place.  I had to be honest with her.  Quiltfest week was my only time to lavish in the moment. Once I returned home, I was neck deep back in Mom-mode.  My youngest is a high school senior and the end of the year is approaching way too quickly!!

In fact, today required a two and a half hour drive to Jackson, MS to a writing awards ceremony.  My daughter earned a Gold Key award in the Poetry category.  It was a well deserved award. My girl has a fantastic way with words.  😊.  Yes, I am a proud Mama.

On these particular trips, I like to take along some stitching to do in the car.   My preferred stitching is knitting and I have a bag ready to go when needed.  Except, I couldn't locate it this morning when walking out the door.

So I picked up the next portable project I had handy.  It's an elongated hexagon quilt top that I'm hand piecing.
On the road, I quickly remembered why I do not hand piece in the car.  Every tiny bump in the road makes it very difficult to control the needle.
Front side of hand piecing.
Managing tiny stitches took extra care and a lot of pin pricks on my guiding finger.
Checking back side of hand peicing.
Five hours total on the road today.  I only attached one hexagon piece. (I didn't even try stitching on the way home. I closed my eyes and rested instead 😆.)
My conclusion from today's experience...  With pieces cut out and ready to go at a moment's notice, hand piecing is an excellent easy portable project.   But for me, it is a "no go" in a moving vehicle. 
(And now that I'm composing this, I remember that the knitting bag is still with the luggage of the last trip.  Ok! I'm ready for another road trip!!)

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