Saturday, June 5, 2021

Best part of teaching...

Today I had a really good Beginning Hand Quilting class. My students were great! They had lots of questions and were very eager to learn. Their skill levels ranged from never hand quilting before to having a couple years of experience.

Usually, I would have lots of pictures to share. But we had a lot of information to cover and I was quite focused on teaching as much as possible in just 2.5 hours ☺️.

We talked about fabrics, threads, battings, needles, stencils, marking utensils, quilting designs, thimbles, hoops/frames, how to baste, and finally quilting with the rocking stitch. 

It's really very rewarding to see these beginning stitches. I hope I can spread even a little bit of the love and passion I have for working with needle 🪡 and thread🧵! I hope my students come back as they practice more. I'd love to see their progress!!

Speaking of students bringing in their progress... Gail came into the store yesterday with her finished Tree of Life quilt top!!! I love it!! 🥰💕💖

Isn't it gorgeous!! This is the best part of teaching 🥰.


  1. Beautiful! The class sounds like a lot of fun. I will have to watch for it to pop up again at the store so I can join in. The quilt is beautiful!

  2. Beautiful! The class sounds like a lot of fun. I will have to watch for it to pop up again at the store so I can join in. The quilt is beautiful!
