Friday, July 19, 2019

Julia Graber Day (and You are my Sunshine!)

Yesterday, Karen A. and I rode up to Corinth with Julia Graber (Life as a Quilter.)  We helped unload quilts, and portable design walls, and a suitcase full of quilt tops and product for sale.  Julia gave us pictures of the way she wanted her presentation boards set up.  And during her presentation, Karen and I held up the quilts as she spoke about each one.  Haha, I wish I was counting how many quilts she took.  I probably would have lost count anyway.  There were a lot. Tons! literally. Julia does heavy quilting which makes quilts quite weighty 😉.

I made myself Julia's personal assistant for the day.
Heh, that only means that I watched her closely for anything that she might need me to do for her, which was hardly anything. I moved her vehicle after we unloaded her quilts and got her a water sometime during the day, that's about it.
Because I had appointed myself her personal assistant, I had a perfect view to see a truly amazing event.
From the moment we walked through the doors, my friend Julia Graber, was the Honored Guest.
I watched the admiration and awe the members of Cross City Piece Makers Quilt Guild have for Julia.
It warmed my heart to witness their sincere pleasure to have her with them for the day.

Every moment was filled with questions and conversation.
I caught her just between moments. 
And again a little later, as she was explaining "Mother's Quilt"

And as she started her introduction (before Karen and I were needed to hold quilts.)

oh yes!  I don't think she'll mind me telling.. behind the scenes, Julia made sure I knew she wanted the quilters to know they could handle her quilts.  She said, "after you hold the quilts, I want you to put them on the table any old way. You don't have to fold them a certain way or place them carefully. I want the ladies to know they can look and handle any of them if they want.'  Isn't she wonderful?!

I think there were members of at least three different guilds present. So awesome!!
Thank you, Cross City Piece Makers, for inviting Julia and recognizing her accomplishments and her even greater talent.  To me, the day felt like a special Celebration of Julia Graber.  And I love you for it!!

And the "cherry-on-top," was that I won the silent auction on 4 quilt tops!!

At just $1 each!
Isn't this green one fantastic?!
The first three are machine pieced and this last one is hand pieced!! 💕
The cashier was surprised when I paid more than I owed but I'd gladly have paid even more if I had more cash on me!  Thanks for the wonderful day CCQG!!

Today I stayed home and finished Ina's Sunshine wallhanging.  She appliqued the sun and asked me to do the quilting on the "George."  Then I attached a thin binding, and sewed on a hanging sleeve.  I am thankful and relieved that she was happy with the final results!

You are my Sunshine!
Yes, I think that's a perfect ending for this update! 🌞🥰


  1. Thanks for giving such a great report on your day. And what a win from the silent auction. Wonderful job on the sunshine quilt. I can see why Ina was pleased.
