Tuesday, January 7, 2020


I believe yesterday's blog update, Feeling Frugal, expresses that I am enjoying participating in the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt. I've been working on clue #4 for a while. Longer than I anticipated. Yesterday I finally fell into a groove and was whipping through the pieces.  In the previous update, I claimed Frolic to be my main project right now...

.... so what is this?

My quilt guild in Columbus, MS, the Possum Town Quilters, decided that the theme for Pigeon Forge's 2020 Mountain Quiltfest Guild Challenge will be Butterflies.
Inspiration for this has been long in coming.
I had been on an embroidery kick while I was getting the house ready for the move. Embroidery is an easy pick up and put down needle activity.  It can also be an easy take along project.
Soon after arriving in Texas I found this embroidery book...
There's a sort of folk art charm that I couldn't resist.
And I stitched up just a few of the designs for one of the projects.
But that was as far as it went until today.

I have the opportunity to visit PTQ this weekend. So if I can possibly have this quilt done by Friday, I can hand deliver it. I really do think I work best with deadlines.

I wish I took more pictures of my process. There were a few trial and errors before finding the "yes!"
I thought I had an idea of what to do. But when I put the fabrics out, the bright busy fabrics I purchased for this project left me feeling "blah." It was too busy for the embroidery patches.

But I was not going to give up those sweet embroideries!
I simplified the fabrics. I wanted the patches to shine.
The sage-y green fabric is required.  I didn't like it right up against the denim.

I wasn't really sure if it was going to work.
So practically with fingers crossed, the stitching started...
The black framing made the embroidery pop. I loved it!
of course, my pictures don't show the pop 😜

I love having different tools and rulers. This 6.5" ruler was the perfect size for trimming all the way around. And it made it easier to see the wonky placement.

I got a bit of a giggle because today the butterfly quilt became the main project and the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt Frolic became the leader and ender.  It's so satisfying to be continuing on that project as well.

I had the blue stripe fabric out for the mystery quilt and found out it adds just a bit of excitement as a mock binding around the patches. I'll stitch-in-the-ditch to attach the patches to the sage-y green background and the mock binding will have a bit of a 3D effect.

That's as far as it got today. I'm trying to keep it simple as I only have two more days to get it done in time for hand delivery.
Time for some sleep. I'll update again tomorrow!


  1. I knew you didn’t sleep!! Can’t wait to see you. I haven’t done anything, but help others clean out their homes and cook and clean. 😊❤️🌹. Prayers for safe travelπŸ™πŸΌ

    1. Lol. Ruby, perhaps I sew in my sleep πŸ˜œπŸ€­πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ see you soon πŸ₯°
